The Dik dik

The Dik dik is one of the most weird and cute animals I have ever seen. I’ve never seen it in person and I didn’t even find it myself. My friend was researching for a project and turned her laptop to face me and said, “Look at this thing! It’s so stupid!” That’s how I discovered The Dik dik. Why does God keep dropping new animals without a release date? Oh, yeah– just ’cause I didn’t know ’bout it before, don’t make it new.

The Dik dik is, I think, the smallest deer in Africa. I know it’s from Africa, but I’m going off of memory right now because I don’t feel like looking anything up. The name it derived from the noise the females make when scared, which is sort of a squeak that sounds like ‘dik dik’. Look at the picture again; doesn’t it have nice eyelashes? Now look it in the eye for a few seconds; doesn’t it feel like it’s staring into your soul? Haha, sorry. I went to a dark place with that last one; not as far as my brain went though. This is such a beautiful creature. While it may look quite dumb with it’s nose like that, if someone photoshopped the nose differently; you’re used to it that way and wouldn’t look right to you. See? It looks just the way it’s supposed to. Weird, how the brain works; isn’t it? Please don’t take my word on the tiny bit of info I gave you, do some research. Interested = Interesting. Have fun finding this out about Dik diks!

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