The Dik dik

The Dik dik is one of the most weird and cute animals I have ever seen. I’ve never seen it in person and I didn’t even find it myself. My friend was researching for a project and turned her laptop to face me and said, “Look at this thing! It’s so stupid!” That’s how I discovered The Dik dik. Why does God keep dropping new animals without a release date? Oh, yeah– just ’cause I didn’t know ’bout it before, don’t make it new.

The Dik dik is, I think, the smallest deer in Africa. I know it’s from Africa, but I’m going off of memory right now because I don’t feel like looking anything up. The name it derived from the noise the females make when scared, which is sort of a squeak that sounds like ‘dik dik’. Look at the picture again; doesn’t it have nice eyelashes? Now look it in the eye for a few seconds; doesn’t it feel like it’s staring into your soul? Haha, sorry. I went to a dark place with that last one; not as far as my brain went though. This is such a beautiful creature. While it may look quite dumb with it’s nose like that, if someone photoshopped the nose differently; you’re used to it that way and wouldn’t look right to you. See? It looks just the way it’s supposed to. Weird, how the brain works; isn’t it? Please don’t take my word on the tiny bit of info I gave you, do some research. Interested = Interesting. Have fun finding this out about Dik diks!

My First Doctor Who Fanfic (hook only)

How I Met The Doctor

Waking up, becoming aware of consciousness, staring into the abyss-like black of your eyelids, agitation filling your mind as your alarm seemingly screams in your face. Opening your eyes, ripping the blankets off and slamming the OFF button on the clock. Probably the worst part of the day; especially when you didn’t get much sleep.

I hate mornings; like Anakin Skywalker hates sand. Most likely more. But I had a feeling. A feeling that today would be different. What a feeling………

Standing next to the bus stop, with an eerie feeling, I waited. The bus was late. When it finally arrived, I began to step in. But, I found myself being hit from the side. As I fell, I caught glimpse of a grotesque beast. Lying on the ground in horror, I heard someone yell, “OI! You ugly thing!” Both the beast and I looked at a strange man wearing a bow-tie and standing next to a blue box (It was an odd box. The kind you would see in very old picture. As big as a British telephone stand. But it wasn’t supposed to be next to that bus stop.) with the words “POLICE PUBLIC CALL BOX” on it.

The man was holding an odd-looking device that started making a high-pitched buzzing, almost sonic-sounding, noise. I looked at the beast again and it began distorting, like a hologram shorting out. The man ran over and commenced gazing at the beast while circling it and mumbling. It was frozen, not even close to moving. The man instructed the bus driver to move on (more like flailing his hand in the general direction of away), then told me to stand by his blue box.

He fidgeted with his little invention again and it went on with it’s buzzing. Only a few seconds past before the beast disappeared and all that was left was a small rat. The man picked the rat up with three fingers and stared at it while trotting to his box. “Terrifying things come in small packages” he said, calmly. “I’m the Doctor. Follow me.” ‘The Doctor, huh?’ I thought, complying to his orders.

As we stepped into the Doctor’s blue box, which I had expected to be cramped, something was very wrong. I had to take a few steps back and look out at the small, or big, police box. I walked back in and exclaimed, “It’s bigger on the inside!” The Doctor just smiled and said his box is called “the TARDIS, which stands for Time and Relative Dimension in Space”. She bit him once, he said it happened on an alien planet when the TARDIS stole someone named Idris’ body. I don’t know why that was significant, but was to him.

He explained that he is a Timelord from the planet Gallifrey and that he saves Earth all the time but nobody really ever knows. “So, what’s your name, blondie?” the Doctor inquired. “My name is Kimmie, Kimmie Zucker. And you, you are a very strange man, Doctor.” I replied. “Kimmie, Kim, very nice name, Kimmie. Ooooh! Let’s go on an adventure, Kimmie!” he said, excitedly.

The Doctor began flipping switches and toggling toggles. “Should we go to… no. OOH! Nah. What about… AH! Yes!” he was talking to himself. ‘It’s like he used to have someone with him, but they left.’ I thought, ‘I wonder why this crazy man is all alone.’ The TARDIS started making sort of VWORB-WRAANFSH noise. Very odd. Almost as odd as the Doctor…

[If you want to read more, please go to “My First Doctor Who Fanfic” at the top of the page]